Nine and a half years later, I still remember that feeling of having to drink that awful glucose drink during my first pregnancy in preparation for my gestational diabetes test (or glucose test, as many moms refer to it). The pregnancy glucose test consists of having to drink this truly disgusting orange drink within a few minutes, get hit with a sugar surge on an empty stomach (and later, a headache), wait an hour in the waiting room, and continue on with the gestational diabetes test.
However, many OBGYNs (like mine) approve an alternative: (a specific number and type of) organic jelly beans for the glucose test during pregnancy. Let’s dive into the details!
*This post contains affiliate links. All opinions and recommendations are my own.
What Is The Purpose Of The Glucose Test During Pregnancy?
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends a one-hour blood glucose challenge test during a woman’s pregnancy. The glucose tolerance test is used to diagnose gestational diabetes, and takes place between weeks 24 and 28 of pregnancy. 1 hour after the consumption of the glucose drink, a blood draw takes place, and the blood sample is used to measure a pregnant woman’s fasting blood glucose level. The test identifies any abnormalities in the way a pregnant woman’s body handles glucose after eating a meal (or in this case, the gross glucose drink).
The Pregnancy Glucose Test Drink
More importantly, as I sat in the waiting room after accomplishing drinking the glucose drink, I was wondering why on earth does something required during pregnancy contain so many nasty ingredients? I was on an “organic everything high” during my first pregnancy, where I was VERY conscious about what foods and drinks I was consuming. And if something was not organic, I wanted it to be free of any dyes, preservatives, or questionable ingredients.
Of course, in addition to its 50g of glucose, the pregnancy glucose test drink had all of the above- preservatives, dyes, and many questionable ingredients. Yikes! Not what I wanted for me, or for my developing baby.
Alternative For The Pregnancy Glucose Test: Organic Jelly Beans!
During my second pregnancy, I thought to myself “there’s gotta be a better way!”. (And there is, Kevin! FRIENDS, anyone?). I did my research, as I always do, and found a great alternative to the pregnancy glucose test: organic jelly beans! Jelly beans for the glucose test? YES, you heard that right.
Disclosure: Remember I am in no way, shape or form a doctor, so always consult with your doctor first! But I do research my butt off and THIS STUDY from The National Library Of Medicine plays in our favor here. So this is what I have PERSONALLY done for my last FIVE pregnancies as the jelly bean alternative to the glucose test:
- Book in advance the first morning appointment of the day! (This way, you have already fasted all night, and your body is not as “thrown off”).
- Confirm with your OB the plan of eating the jelly beans at home.
- Fast through the night (easy, you’re sleeping!)
- Eat 53 Surf Sweet’s Organic Jelly Beans within 5 minutes (this will equal the required 50g of sugar).
- Get your blood drawn 1 hour after the last jelly bean.
- Tip: Show up to your appointment early enough where you won’t miss your 1 hour blood draw appointment time!
- Additionally, make sure to eat a substantial (low-sugar) breakfast when you get home. For example, think eggs and toast, plain oatmeal, peanut butter on toast, scrambled eggs, etc. so your body can adjust from the high sugar intake. (This will help prevent a blood sugar crash, fatigue, or headache!)
Jelly Beans Used For Glucose Test:
Good luck and congrats!!
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